Here is a copy cat recipe (tried and tested by me) that I feel is about as close to Cinnabon’s Mochalatte Chill as one may get without having the ‘real deal recipe’.
1 cup brewed coffee, chilled (espresso shot is always best)
1/2 cup dark chocolate syrup or melted dark chocolate squares/chips
1/4 cup shaved dark chocolate squares or mini chips
1 cup half and half (2% for a lower in fat drink)
whipped cream or light dairy whipped topping
drizzle bottle with dark chocolate syrup inside to go over whipped topping
Combine all ingredients except whipped cream in a small container and stir well or use a small hand whip to make it even better. Place ice in two 16 ounce glasses; top with whipped cream and drizzle with chocolate syrup. You may also wish to try using a blender and crushing the ice with the Mochalatta mixture. Yum yum.
This is a copy-cat recipe developed by me ( © ) but holds no claim to the Mochalatta Chill name nor is attempting any copyright infringement.
If its dry it can be in there all night when you set it up before going to bed. Or get one of those cfoefe pods that has premeasured amounts in it. Im more of a tea or hot chocolate person sorry its not better help. Only if your cfoefe grouinds where wet would you have a problem. Leave the grounds dry and fill the water well, if oy have a timer set it, if not just leave a note on your alarm clock to flip the switch as soon as you get to the kitchen, so its brewing while your waking up and getting ready for the day.