Coffee Blinkie Addition

on 06.03.05, I added 7 more images to our collection of Drink Images

Don’t forget to check out all our coffee blinkies and tea blinkies. Also, I’ve included several Starbucks related images. See sidebar.

Started adding some backgrounds with a coffee type theme, ‘made by me’ today. There are only a few at the moment. I’ll add to them as I can make them. If I list a background from another place. I’ll list the credit. Hope you like them.

Try our Sour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe

Drop by BLOGCETRA and enter our weekly photo caption contest!

Starbucks blinkies and images are located in the “drink images” page located on the sidebar. And I’ve also made and added one (2) Dunkin Donuts blinkies

Gourmet Coffee & Tea goumet desserts

15 Comments on “Coffee Blinkie Addition”

  1. Oh they’re just awesome! Love the shirts. ๐Ÿ™‚ hubby loves them too. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great day.


  2. Is there a coffee that doesn`t keep you up all night and give you the jitters?
    When I go the gym I love to have a cup or two of Columbian coffee but it gives me the jitters and
    I can`t sleep.

    Should I stick with my Green tea?

  3. Hi! I love your site… I am a coffee fanatic too…i gave a speech on coffee in my communications class last semester…i love the stuff… ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Cool blinkies! I’ve had a link to your other icons for a while now, love the new stuff!!

    Hey, would you like to do a Meme? Let me know!!

  5. Christine:

    You bet cha. What you have in mind? And thank you for the linkage!! Most proud of that. ๐Ÿ™‚

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