Coffee and Tea Keep You Alert and Healthy

Many of us feel sluggish in the morning, be  it in a boardroom or in a classroom, we find ourselves tuning out, nodding off and generally not paying attention to what’s going on around us.  There is a solution.  Drinking tea and coffee with your breakfast will help to keep you alert, active, and healthy.

Coffee has also been found to help prevent Type 2 Diabetes.  Tea has not been found to have the same effect.  The Iowa Women’s Health Study showed that women who drink four or more cups of coffee a day are 20% less likely to develop diabetes than non-coffee drinkers. 

Coffee also has an effect on Parkinson’s Disease.  Coffee drinkers are 80% less chance of being diagnosed with the disease than non-drinkers.  They also have a 25% less chance of developing colon cancer, and 80% less chance of developing cirrhosis of the liver and a 50% less chance of developing gallstones. 

Drink up and live well!

To read more about coffee and its benefits, please see

About christy

Another coffee lover!

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